Tuesday, December 30, 2008
他一臉迷惘站起來,不回答。第二天上課,也是這樣,我實在受不了,狠狠地把他叫過來。 「你到底怎麼了?」
我一聽,心都涼到腳底。心中想到身體贏弱的卓新勇。如果,不幸那天來臨,他將如何繼續往後漫長的歲月呢? 想到這兒,不禁鼻酸。吃飯時,妻子在餵兒子吃飯,我不禁想起,以前卓新勇的母親偷偷摸摸替他送便當。
第二天下班後,我騎著機車到醫院探望他母親。 幾個禮拜沒見,卓新勇的母親瘦得不成人形,蒼白的臉, 光禿的頭,簡直不敢相信就是她。她看到我,顯得很驚訝,努力想站起來,但是,一咳嗽,整個人歪了一邊。
「他爸爸已經六十多歲了,現在母親又將離開人間, 是不是我們可以發動全校募款。不管多少,都可以幫助他。」
校長爽快答應。 經過幾天募款活動,我們總算募到五萬二千一百二十元。把錢送到醫院時,卓新勇的母親已經在昏迷中。
「他前幾天,一直拉著卓新勇的手,喊著:媽媽不能再替你送便當了! 我想,請老師再讓她送最後一次便當,只有送便當時, 他才真正感受到一位為人母親的榮耀。」
卓新勇的父親買了一個便當,躺在擔架上的卓新勇的母親,伸出瘦細蒼白的手提著便當, 在旁邊人員推送下,慢慢靠近大門口的鐵門。 在鐵門的另一邊,卓新勇伸出右手,接過母親的便當。
卓新勇呼天搶地叫著。我的淚水,再也控制不住,嘩嘩而落。我暗恨自己,以前是多麼殘忍! 隔天,卓新勇的母親就去世了。卓新勇的母親出殯後。一天,卓新勇的父親來到我辦公室,遞給我一包牛皮紙。
[老師!這是你和學生們幫助我的錢,我認為還有更多的學生, 需要這筆錢,所以,還給你們。謝謝你熱心幫忙。」
卓新勇對我說「我很早就知道,我母親就要死了,我也不是不想聽你話,叫媽媽不要送便當。 因為,一天當中,只有中午,我才能吃到我媽媽煮的飯。」
我心頭一凜,「為什麼呢?」她很虛弱,家裡都是爸爸在煮飯。只有中午爸爸不在,她才能偷偷背著爸爸煮飯。 是她堅持要送便當的。」說完,卓新勇淌出淚水。
happy new year 2009!!!

sweet memories with friends and beloved coursemates...
New starting...new hope..and i promised myself: i wil try my best and work hard to achieve success in my life.. Pray for it...
人生中有许多种 ..
你怕不怕付出 ,
你会不会选择执迷不悟 ,
Monday, December 29, 2008
回想起中六咱们一同渡过的日子,虽说中六生涯最艰辛难熬, 但对我而言,中六生活。。因有你们的陪伴。 。我的中六生涯。。每一时每一刻,都是开心与多姿多彩的。。谢谢你们咯。。惭愧的是,我的部落格已开了那么久,我倒还是第一次把你们带入我的部落格世界。。哈哈。。不好意思咯!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Pre-birthday celebration with our dearest coursemate: xiang le...
Happy happy birthday to you girl...may all your dreams come true... cheers!! 22 years old lo, is time to plan your own future... remember: i will be the first who will support you always ya!!
see sin, me and geok chin...
Me at Jaya 33 western food restaurant
See sin, the one who like to "bully" us...and spreading O'nyong nyong virus around the world..haha...
Our birthday girl, xiang le, the one who so lucky...get double degrees at the same time..majoring in biohealth science and in SLEEPING... our sleeping queen...
Geok chin, the girl who always very calm and steady in facing her life and all challenges... I really "admire" you.. is time for me to learn from you.. learn to be tough and independent...
After dinner...our next station.. Tong sui shop at SS2...there...we celebrate your birthday, girl...nice lychee cake...should say thanks to geok chin for buying the cake...yummy....
Make a wish... " I want to be a millionaire... I want marry a rich guy... I want to be sleeping queen...etc.."
Pity gal... your birthday celebration..but your face become "creamy" after blowing the candle...because see sin pushed your face towards the cake..pity you...and feel sympathy to the cake also...but luckily we still can eat that cake...haha..
** xiang le: because of your birthday...we all did a lot of things just for the celebration o...feel touching? haha..
Firstly, me and geok chin went midvalley at the day before our gathering just want to buy you a birthday present..we still lied to you that we went there just for dinner...such excuse...hard to accept actually..who knows you din't notice about that..luckily....
Your birthday present: a cutie and convenient watch...we bought it for you because it suits your style and your small hand of course....and because you need a simple watch for you to bring to taiwan soon...so we just decided to buy you this watch...hope you like it ya..
A cutie watch to my dearest friend: this colour really suits you...
** taking photos with our birthday girl....
Cheers for our friendship!!! me, xiang le, geok chin and see sin...nice to meet you guys!!
To be honest, really...you guys really made my uni life become so colourful and beautiful... and thanks for accompanying me from time to time, no matter i am in happy, excited, sad, frust, or disappointed.. really thanks a lot...
Me and xiang le..
See sin and xiang le..
Geok chin and xiang le..
Take good care to everyone and see you guys next semester...next semester will be our last semester... so we must appreciate it ya...
To xiang le and geok chin: enjoy your days at taiwan ya...take care...bye...
The most important people in my uni life (VVIP in university): see sin, xiang le and geok chin.. thanks so much for everything.. really appreciate it...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Karaoke outing...
Me and xiang le keep ss-ing while the rest busy singing.. thanks to geok chin, a.k.a bai bai...
happy 23rd birthday to my roomate - muihua
9 of us at Ming Tian open-air food stall
Such a nice and yummy cake....but at the end..that's the cake left after we all kept eating by using a spoon...
Hey girl..23 years old lo..will graduate soon too..just wish you have a bright future ya..try to be tough and be independent in all stuffs in life..but i know sure you can do it well...just work hard to achieve success ya..jiayou jiayou...
Such a nice open-air food court..we had our own VIP seat...separated from people crowd and we had our own space to chat freely..so enjoy the moment we gathered..and took photos as memories too..thanks to everyone...
That night we tried the spicy sausage.. who knows...oh my God..so hot and spicy...till me nearly cry because of the taste..anyway..a nice try too..but..next time sure i won't eat that again...haha..
Nice view... girls..let us take photos and let seesin be the cameraman..haha....
at last..still want to drop few words to the birthday girl: happy birthday ya..friendship forever too...
Friday, November 14, 2008
new life!!!!
New mission comes--> my thesis lab work...i need finish parts of the lab work before i going back home this coming december..really need to put infinity effort on it because i totally ignored it during my exam time.. left aside and focus on my exam first..now is turn to work hard for it..
Lab work..this kind of thing really hard to say and unpredictable..all the results obtain must obey the rules..must obey those similar researches which had been carried out past few years ago..That's what undergraduate student should do for their thesis..luckily i will be guided by a nice lecturer and friendly PhD and master students..at least won't so tension in planning my thesis stuff..all things can discuss with them nicely and come out with a better plan..hope i really manage to finish my work on time..
new life..end of 1 semester..after this 2 months break..just left 1 more semester to go..then i will graduate= is time for me to find a job..is time for me to adapt to new life, new environment and new stage of my life..hope i able to find a suitable job soon..will try to learn things and gain experience from there..i will try my best and work for it..
the dream is still early and quite far? no no no..time will pass very very fast..is time for me to plan on it..anyway..just try my best and work hard to achive success in my life..i wish to make my life more colourful and enjoyable..
By now..just focus on my thesis work first..2 weeks time...going lab to do thesis work almost everyday..such kind of life sounds scary and tiring too..but..i still need go through all this thing..so just learn to be tough and be independent..sure i can do it..gambateh!!
考试一结束。。记得还是下着雨。。但我们还是很尽情地, 很潇洒的去喝茶“庆祝”一番。。其实大家的心情都一样。。并没像以前那么开心。。但是。。当我们去一间嘛嘛挡大快朵颐,大吃一顿时。。那种开心的感觉。。慢慢渗透出来了。。最开心的是。。我们五人又再次有机会一起出来聚会了。。
这夜宵当然丰富啦!吃了七十五零吉哦。。先来一杯特制的水果汁。。再来个鸡肉拼盘,海鲜米粉,芝士面包。。好好吃哦。。好开心哦。。好久好久没有这样享受了。。恐怖的study week & exam week。。你们是时候让开了。。是时候去休息了。。下个学期再来找我吧。。咻咻咻。。
Monday, November 10, 2008
"work hard la gal..sure you can do it one!! just try your best will do!! "
Left 2 more papers, after that i will free.. then can fully utilize my time focus on my thesis bench work..hope can finish it as soon as possible so i can back home earlier..
* home...i m coming...wait me... miss my home so much..miss my family...miss my mum's cooking..miss my friends...
Met my thesis supervisor today..really happy chatting with her..such a responsible and understanding lecturer..so proud to become your student..really..sure i will appreciate and work hard...in my study and thesis..really had fun and very enjoy..first time we can so close with our lecturer..can joking..laughing..."making noise" as well..thanks alot to my lecturer and my fellows...
1 semester will end very soon..1 more semester to go..next semester sure will keep busy and busy..anyway..i must try my best and work very hard..i must graduate within 3 years..haha...
again..."sure you can do it gal..keep it up!!"
dearest friends and coursemates...try our best to achive success!! all the best and good luck...cheers!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
跌倒了 就不敢继续往前走
为什么 人要这么的脆弱堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
Saturday, November 8, 2008
其实原因很简单:因为我总是很珍惜朋友之间的友情。。我很喜欢与朋友一起相聚的感觉。。真的很乐在其中。。尤其是现在。。经过很多事情,无论是如意的还是不如意的。。我已学会了更加珍惜彼此。。已学习好好珍惜身边的一切。。因为所有东西都很有可能只是短暂的。。或许下一秒它就变质了,消失了,又或是永别了。。所以真的要更加倍的珍惜。。当然我也不希望在我的人生中出现“后悔”或“遗憾”这两个字。。 然而,后悔或是遗憾。。也是由你自己来断定的吧!俗语说:很多事情,做了决定后,就千万不要再回头,也不要觉得后悔。。所以嘛。。继续往前迈进吧!加油咯!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
finally...final exam is around the corner...two days to go..unbelievable..time passed so fast..in the twinkling of eyes..1 semester end very soon..how many kilometres the time goes per second? nobody will know..what i done during the whole study week? Keep studied only..still remember what i studied? me really don't know..so confuse and blur..seems mixed up all the subjects..just hope i can answer smoothly in the coming exams..
By the way..all the best and good luck to everyone who going for exams..work hard and try your best!! Hope the exam will end as soon as possible.. really tired facing such life: everyday keep studying, study till tired and sleepy...
After exam still need to focus on my thesis project: lab works..hope i can complete it on time..God bless.. and need to complete my thesis paper work as well.. go library searching for information...arghhh..so many things to do..need to settle them before the end of year 2008!! MUST!!
my university life... 1 semester to go..after that will graduate..what i learnt during my 3 years life at university? joining activities, know more friends, hanging out with friends and coursemates, watch TVB drama, online all the time, keep msn-ing..the rests will be kept study, assignment, lab works.. lack of Sleeping time!! haha..
anyway..such lifes will end soon..and it is time for me to plan and decide my own future now..just work hard and try my best.. No matter how..just choose my own road..jiayou!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
22nd birthday part 3 + Gathering at Yuen's steamboat restaurant..
7 0f us: likuan, kahfai, honleong, seesin, xiangle, me and geokchin
We started our way around 515pm.. see sin is our driver of course..
P/S: thanks la see sin..not your car..but you need to drive the car everyday and everywhere..
That's him..the one who always bully me..haha..but he is a nice friend..Thanks la..
Then xiang le just sat beside him and me sat behind..going to fetch geok chin.. On the way going..suddenly see sin asked xiang le exchange seat with me..with the reason that i can help him block some sunlight from entering the car.. (P/S: bad la you..dr.then see sin..you remember har..Revenge..)
Of course both of us don't want..but at the end we still exchanged the seats..haiz..pity me..bullied by see sin..said me 心机重..haiz..wear prettier and nicer a bit also cannot meh? just respect our gathering ma..haha..
Ok then..on the way going steamboat restaurant..suddenly see sin asked me taking out his pendrive from a paper bag and pass to geok chin..sure i follow what he asked lo..or else he will bully me again..After that..see sin told me that the decoration which hanged on his pendrive seems lost and ask me check the bag again..
Who knows...is a WATCH!! That's the present they gave me..a watch which i found at Vincci, Midvalley..i like it very much..but that time xiang le and see sin not allowed me to buy..O..that's my present..now i understood why during that time xiang le kept asking me accompany her go find shoes liao... i don't know about that at all!!
Thanks a lot guys!! sure i will appreciate it..
P/S: Thanks to see sin and xiang le..you guys really expert in acting.. until me also don't know all this at that moment!!
Nice Watch..birthday gift from xiang le, see sin, geok chin, kah fai and hon leong..really thanks alot..sure i will take good care of it..and really appreciate it..Merci!
Thanks to kah fai...My funniest coursemate..
Thanks to hon leong as well..for the birthday present..
Finally..reached Yuen's steamboat restaurant..Long time not eat here..So miss the food and the soup here..and the ice-cream as well..i must eat till very full tonight..haha..
P/S: Li kuan..thanks a lot..because of you..we managed to get a table without a long queue..really thanks...
Li kuan and me..
Ehm..start eating lo...eat a lot...meat, seafood, vegetables, and of course..the most famous food in this restaurant---bbq chicken wings!! yummy yummy..and i ate a lot!!
P/S: Special Thanks to xiang le..due to your small body size and fast action..we able to eat it..haha...
Xiang le and me..
Keep eating...till everyone full...and our desserts---ice-cream..varieties of ice-cream..so colourful and tasty..me really ate a lot..i like to eat ice-cream actually..that is why i ate so much tonight...chocolate, sweet corn and yam ice-cream-- my favourite!!
After our meal at steamboat restaurant...our next destination: sunway pyramid.. actually we went there just simply walk only..took some photos...and watched people ice skating.
P/S: can we go for ice-skating next time if got chance? My request...haha..
Honestly..i like to take photo since form6...and of course during my uni life here..sweet memories..and i won't forget it as well..will remember for the rests of my life..
That's me..so cutie..but i think that will be my first and the last time wearing like this..
Guys and girls: really glad can know you guys..i know..all of you tired already..but you guys still attending this gathering..really happy...at last..we had a "full attendance" gathering.. haha..nobody is left behind...
Friendship Forever...cheers!!
P/S: thanks to geok chin..because of this gathering..you are "forced" to back to your hometown on sunday..so sorry...
Geok chin and me...
Time passed in the twinkling of eyes..3 years university life...left 1 semester to go..and we will graduate soon..just hope we all can learn to appreciate each other and all the things surrounding us.. we do not know what will happen next..where will we go next and what will we do next...so by now...just cheers for our friendship..of course what i wish is: friendship forever..once we are friends..then friends forever..Promise?
We are the BEST!! really?
Really enjoy the gathering with you guys..really had fun...work hard for the coming final exams ya..jiayou and gambateh..good luck and all the best ya..take care as well..Thanks for everything...
P/S: Sorry..broken and poor english..still learning..thanks for viewing my blog...