Monday, November 1, 2010

Mixed feeling...

I had a chance,
to change to a total new working environment,
And I will leave current company soon..
Going to commence with new job soon too...
Changing from a far place to own hometown...
How's the feeling now?
Tell you, all the feelings are mixed up!!!
Supposedly I should feel happy, because I am able to find a better and more suitable career,
which is much nearer to my hometown...
which might determine my future as well...
But now...
I am a bit sad and down..
Still happy, and yet, still down...
Sad to leave my colleagues and friends here...
Down because I knew that I will seldom meet them in the future...
I understood that this is life!!!
And I knew..
Everything is going to change when we entering every new stage of the life... new chapter...
Same goes to the people surrounding you...
People will keep changing from time to time as well...
May be we didn't realize, but that's the Fact!!!
What we can do now is,
Appreciate every moment with the people surrounding you..
At least you have a wonderful moment with them..
And all these will be a part of the sweet memories,
Which will be stored in your mind then..
Which is not easy to be forgotten or removed...
Dear Friends,
Thanks a lot for everything...
Thanks for accompanying me from time to time, no matter I am happy or sad..
Thanks for all the guidance, supports and assistance during my working life at here...
I will never forget all these wonderful moments..
All these will be the sweetest memories for me to be remembered..
In my heart and my mind... Always and Always...
Remember one thing,
No matter where we go and where are we...
As long as we remember each other,
Please do keep in touch..
Take good care too..
Wish you all the best and good luck for everything...
I will always remember you all...