Monday, March 19, 2012

Life is kinda boring..

Do you have such feeling before? Yes, recently I did have such feeling, and this feeling has existing in my mind so frequent. Keep repeating and repeating...

I do not know why, just suddenly feel that my current life is only: working, eating, sleeping and nothing else. Is this called normal life when a human grows and getting older? Ehm, perhaps I should change my mind and think another way round. In more positive, this is so called a stable life, which I can do whatever I am able to achieve and within my control. However, it is still kinda boring..

If you ask me to get something to do in order to gain more exposure, such as reading books to gain knowledge etc. Huh, so sorry, I really unable to make it, because I am really lazy when think about reading books. But, if you ask me to walk around, go travel to gain more exposure and widen my visions, Yes! Definitely I wish to do so.. I am so eager to take a long leave or break, go for a relax journey, and re-charge!

Unfortunately, I can't make it at this moment. Current tasks have tied me up!! I can't say NO, just able to accept, do it and make it completed. I can't do anything, that's why I said my life is kinda boring.. How nice if I could take a long break without thinking all those tasks which need to be completed before the deadline, and temporarily throw away all the pending jobs etc..

Tiring, physically and mentally.. Anyhow, life still goes on.. That's called life! I just wish for a simple life, as simple as possible. Just wish to live happily and without worries.. Sometimes I will imagine if I can back to the past and start my life again as a kid, or just a secondary school student, because I will have less worries and more happiness. And now, I believe a lesson in life: as a people getting elder and older, there will be more worries to appear in life. We might treat them as obstacles or challenges in life and we should face it positively and go through it bravely! But somehow, we will choose not to think at all, put the worries aside and let it be; rather than think a way to solve it properly..

It is time to figure out what kind of life I am looking forward and perhaps I am able to make it real! Really need some times to plan and roll it out slowly, in order to make it success..

I must try my best to ensure my life will full with colors and laughter, from now and in future.. and I believe every person will think in that way as well.. Cheer up everyone, we can make it!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012



不知不觉,又踏入了新的一年。。 日历一页页的撕去,留下的就只有岁月的痕迹。。在过去的那一年,似乎没做到什么吧。。除了忙于工作,应该还是工作吧。。无论如何,新的一年,总该有新的愿望,新的计划与目标吧。。 是时候想想与策划自己要如何走下一步,为自己打算打算,也该让自己的人生活得更精彩吧。。

有时候觉得,自己真的老了。。很多事情,不再像以前那么执著,相反地,反而认为只要一切都还好的,那就算了吧。。也懒得去理了。。不知你是否也如此认同?现在的我,只想平平淡淡的过日子,只要活得健康开心, 身边的人也平安快乐,那就心满意足了。。




计划三,四,五?暂时还没想到。。 就这样了,今年就先往这两个计划前进吧。。希望能够实现咯。。可要加油加油了。。


Monday, March 28, 2011



1. 生活里,有很多转瞬即逝,像在车站的告别,刚刚还相互拥抱,转眼已各自天涯。很多时候,你不懂,我也不懂,就这样,说着说着就变了,听着听着就倦了,看着看着就厌了,跟着跟着就慢了,走着走着就散了,爱着爱着就淡了,想着想着就算了。

2. 其时,我很累了,我习惯假装坚强,习惯了一个人面对所有,我不知道自己到底想怎么样。有时候我可以很开心的和每个人说话,可以很放肆的,可是却没有人知道,那不过是伪装,很刻意的伪装;我可以让自己很快乐很快乐,可是却找不到快乐的源头,只是傻笑。

3. 有时候,莫名的心情不好,不想和任何人说话,只想一个人静静的发呆。有时候,夜深人静,突然觉得不是睡不着,而是固执地不想睡。有时候,听到一首歌,就会 突然想起一个人。有时候,别人突然对你说,我觉得你变了,然后自己开始百感交集。——丢了的自己,只能慢慢捡回来。

4. 没有人有耐心听你讲完自己的故事,因为每个人都有自己的话要说;没有人喜欢听你抱怨生活,因为每个人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半寂寞,这世界愿意倾听,习惯 沉默的人,难得几个。——我再也不想对别人提起自己的过往,那些挣扎在梦魇中的寂寞,荒芜,还是交给时间,慢慢淡漠。

5. 假如爱情、可以解释,誓言可以修改。假如,你我的相遇,可以重新安排。那么,生活就会比较容易。假如有一天,我终于能将你忘记。然而,这不是随便传说的故事。也不是明天才要上演的戏剧。我无法找出原稿,然后,将你一笔抹去。

6. 有人告诉我,鱼的记忆只有7秒,7秒之后它就不记得过去的事情,一切又都变成新的。所以,在那小小鱼缸里的鱼儿,永远不会感到无聊。我宁愿是条鱼,7秒一 过就什么都忘记,曾经遇到的人,曾经做过的事,都可以烟消云散。可我不是鱼,无法忘记我爱的人,无法忘记牵挂的苦,无法忘记相思的痛。

7. 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌。最后你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。

8. 所谓练习微笑,不是机械地挪动你的面部表情,而是、努力地改变你的心态,调节你的心情。学会平静地接受现实,学会对自己说声顺其自然,学会坦然地面对厄运,学会积极地看待人生,学会凡事都往好处想。这样,阳光就会流进心里来,驱走恐惧,驱走黑暗,驱走所有

9. 心理学家推荐的能让你开心的事:每天拍几张照片;看快乐的电影;在周末的清晨做白日梦;给朋友寄卡片;在水边散步;偶尔吃一顿大餐;每星期坚持做一次锻炼;一边开车,一边大声歌唱;一边喝咖啡,一边读小说;一边打电话,一边信手涂鸦;一边洗澡,一边唱歌。

10. 你见,或者不见我,我就在那里,不悲不喜;你念,或者不念我,情就在那里,不来不去;你爱,或者不爱我,爱就在那里,不增不减;你跟,或者不跟我,我的手就在你的手里,不舍不弃。——来我的怀里,或者让我住进你的心里,默然相爱,寂静欢喜。

11. 曾经在某一个瞬间,我们以为自己长大了,有一天,我们终于发现,长大的含义除了欲望还有勇气和坚强,以及某种必须的牺牲。——在生活的面前我们还都是孩子,其实我们从未长大还不懂得爱和被爱。


12. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

13. 有些伤口,时间久了就会慢慢长好;有些委屈,受过了想通了也就释然了;有些伤痛,忍过了疼久了也成习惯了……然而却在很多孤独的瞬间,又重新涌上心头。——其实,有些藏在心底的话,并不是故意要去隐瞒,只是,并不是所有的疼痛,都可以呐喊。

14. 最佳的报复不是仇恨,而是打心底发出的冷淡,干嘛花力气去恨一个不相干的人。

15. 遇到一件事,如果你——喜欢它,那么享受它;不喜欢,那么避开它;避不开,那么改变它;改不了,那么接受它;接受不下,那么处理它;难以处理,那么就放下它。——其实,人最难的是“放下”。放下了,就释然了。

16. 可以一个人唱歌,一个人喝咖啡,一个人涂鸦,一个人旅行,一个人逛大街,一个人在雨中漫步,一个人听音乐,一个人自言自语,一个人发呆,一个人跳舞,一个人看电视,一个人翻杂志……只有爱,是自己一个人做不到的。

17. 人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。

18. 感情再深,恩义再浓的朋友,天涯远隔,情义,终也慢慢疏淡。——不是说彼此的心变了,也不是说不再当对方是朋友,只是,远在天涯,喜怒哀乐不能共享。——原来,我们已是遥远得只剩下问候,问候还是好的,至少我们不曾把彼此忘记。

19. 世界上最凄绝的距离是两个人本来距离很远,互不相识,忽然有一天,他们相识,相爱,距离变得很近。然后有一天,不再相爱了,本来很近的两个人,变得很远,甚至比以前更远。

20. 如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光。

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mixed feeling...

I had a chance,
to change to a total new working environment,
And I will leave current company soon..
Going to commence with new job soon too...
Changing from a far place to own hometown...
How's the feeling now?
Tell you, all the feelings are mixed up!!!
Supposedly I should feel happy, because I am able to find a better and more suitable career,
which is much nearer to my hometown...
which might determine my future as well...
But now...
I am a bit sad and down..
Still happy, and yet, still down...
Sad to leave my colleagues and friends here...
Down because I knew that I will seldom meet them in the future...
I understood that this is life!!!
And I knew..
Everything is going to change when we entering every new stage of the life... new chapter...
Same goes to the people surrounding you...
People will keep changing from time to time as well...
May be we didn't realize, but that's the Fact!!!
What we can do now is,
Appreciate every moment with the people surrounding you..
At least you have a wonderful moment with them..
And all these will be a part of the sweet memories,
Which will be stored in your mind then..
Which is not easy to be forgotten or removed...
Dear Friends,
Thanks a lot for everything...
Thanks for accompanying me from time to time, no matter I am happy or sad..
Thanks for all the guidance, supports and assistance during my working life at here...
I will never forget all these wonderful moments..
All these will be the sweetest memories for me to be remembered..
In my heart and my mind... Always and Always...
Remember one thing,
No matter where we go and where are we...
As long as we remember each other,
Please do keep in touch..
Take good care too..
Wish you all the best and good luck for everything...
I will always remember you all...

Sunday, October 3, 2010



说真的,最近的心情可是起伏不定。。时开心,时失落,时失望,时懊恼。。不知原因何在,还真的是莫名其妙。。。有时候,会为了一些不起眼的事情而发牢骚。。又或是为了一些小事而一直记在心里,始终放不下。。 想着想着,憋在心里不说,眼泪就会很自然而然的从双眼掉下。。是我变得脆弱了吗?以前的我,还挺坚强的。。自从上了大学,毕业后,踏入社会工作。。人也变得脆弱了。。很多事情,自己是能解决及应付的,但就是会胡思乱想,想太多了。。到最后只把自己给弄得不开心了。。那又何必呢?可是就是不能控制自己啊。。所幸的是,我得到家人与朋友的支持。。勇往直前,追求我想要的生活,我想要的未来。。谢谢你们。。



Monday, April 12, 2010

Gathering with Lovely SKF Gang

Hey hey... finally we have chance to meet with each other.. So happy and excited!! Our first outing and gathering after our convocation. Ehm, 7 months ago.. How time flies? And really appreciate because we still keep in touch and try our best to meet up. Know what guys, I am so happy when think of I can go KL and meet all of you - our lovely SKF gang... upgraded from ESK gang to SKF... Only we understand the short form ya... Really thanks to Fai Fai and Jacklyn for thinking such a nice and memorable name for our gang... Cheers for our friendship ya... SKF ever and forever ....;p

Our pioneer, Fai fai... For thinking such a nice name for our gang... Hey, SS, you can't wait to have your meal ya... But stop a while and take a photo first before you eat!!! Let's have a memory then.

3 young and pretty ladies.. my lovely ex-coursemates plus best friends while at university... Too many sweet memories among all of us... Hopefully we can remember all the past in our hearts and mind... Really lucky to know you all.. Miss you always...

My meal!!! Quite nice the food... Nice atmosphere at Chili's at KLCC too... Nice place to chat and gather with friends... Free flow of carbonated drinks and chips... Super nice...

My pleasure... To take photo with a nice guy... wakaka... Hey friend, feel free to contact us from time to time ok? Don't ignore us although you have a sweet girl friend now. Wish you all the best and have a smooth life there ya...

Here you are... very seldom have chance to meet this Sarawakian lo... SS, luckily your current job allow you to fly here and there, and yet you still have chance to go KL and can meet us up.. Or else I think we can just meet, perhaps once a year ya..;p

Gal, still remember our life during our second and final year.. we really stick to each other everyday..;p Went for lectures, did revision at library, did thesis and lab work, shopping, hanging out etc... All these memories are still fresh in my mind... Keep in touch ya although we all stay so far now.. Remember to wait me ya... I will go KL very soon... Our promise then ;p

Wen, Jacklyn is our intermediate, our media who made us getting closer and know each other very well. Next time bring me go for Bak Kut Teh at Klang ya ;p

Fai, your pleasure to take photo with these 3 pretty ladies ya... Ooops, sorry to Fai's girl friend... But I don't think she will jealous ya..

I like this photo... Got pose ya...

Three of us always stay together during our final year... Thanks to Jacklyn's car and UT.. I really miss such life.. All these photos really made me thinking about the past... Lots of memories... and now just can keep in mind...

Good brothers!!! Lucky to have these 2 guys in our SKF gang.... bring lots of happiness and jokes to us... ;p

Haha... Miu Miu shop!!! My brand!!! But not my shop!!!! Let's take a group photo before we dismiss ya... Nice arrangement and position.. Thanks to the cameraman, a customer who is shopping there and only passed by the shop ;p

Lastly, my ex-coursemate plus current roomate- Bai bai... Thanks to have you beside me all the time.. Encourage me and give supports when I am stressful with job.. Hopefully you will work here well and continue your mission then ;p

Really glad to meet you guys at KL. Although our gathering session is very short and just few hours, but I am very appreciate and thankful.. Long journey for us to go KL and meet you guys, but we still can chit-chat pretty well and the feeling is still the same.. Proven the fact that distance won't be a big challenge among us if we really appreciate the friendship... Cheers!!!

Hey guys, take good care and keep in touch ya.. Hope you guys can figure out a suitable track for your future then.. Pray for the best and look forward for the next gathering ya.. Miss and love you all so much ;p

Friday, April 9, 2010

Yummy Japanese Buffet Gathering with Collegues...

WooHoo.... our first outing with 18 colleagues & their lovely partners.... That's the outcome we obtained after spreading the invitation email in the office... So happy... still remember the moment when we all rushed to leave the office at 6pm sharp on 31st March 2010.... All so excited and can't wait for the Japanese Buffet at Kage Japanese Restaurant, Sutera Mall, JB.

Sashimi, maki, sushi, tempura, ramen etc, plus free flow drinks, ice cream and some appetizers.... Everyone is so excited and keep ordering once sit down...

Fresh Tempura... Served in hot.. crispy and tasty... Quite like it...

The main dishes of the night..... SASHIMI.... Fresh and nice.... First time I ate sashimi till full... Really fresh till all of us also cannot control ourselves... What in diet?? Eat first then just control appetite...haha....

Maki... Not bad also... But that day not really ate a lot of sushi... ;p

Vege Tempura.. with special sauce...

Fresh baked scallops... Juicy and yummy....

Meat slices with scallops... Nice to have a try.. But sorry because I cannot eat beef... ;p

All in orange and red... But we all already very fulled when this plate of sushi is served... Finally, we all have to share and take one... Just want to finish it... Or else, have to get ready and pay for the compound, as the reason of wasting food!!!

Lots of food we ate for that night... and lastly, our dessert.... My favourite -- Ice cream!!! in the flavour of peppermint, corn, yam, chocolate, vanilla plus chocolate chips... Super nice and sweet...

Ate till super full, have a cup of hot green tea... Chatting with colleagues and took photos.. Is a memorable night for all of us...

Hey guys, lets have another gathering next time... But i don't want to be the organizer this time. I just want to be a participant ;p